
2023年7月16日—TheextensionutilizestheGoogleArts&Culturedatabasetodisplaytheseartworks.Eachartworkincludesclickabletitlesandlinkstothe ...,TheGoogleArts&CultureChromeextensiongeneratesanimagefromtheGoogleArts&CultureplatformasabackgroundimageinChrome.,以GoogleChrome瀏覽器開啟GoogleArtProject擴充功能頁面,點選「+加到Chrome」來安裝這個功能。安裝後會在右上角顯示一個GoogleArtProject的圖...

Art Project

2023年7月16日 — The extension utilizes the Google Arts & Culture database to display these artworks. Each artwork includes clickable titles and links to the ...

Chrome extension

The Google Arts & Culture Chrome extension generates an image from the Google Arts & Culture platform as a background image in Chrome.

Google Art Project 將藝術名畫裝進瀏覽器分頁,從電腦欣賞 ...

以Google Chrome 瀏覽器開啟Google Art Project 擴充功能頁面,點選「+ 加到Chrome」來安裝這個功能。安裝後會在右上角顯示一個Google Art Project 的圖示,稍後會說明如何 ...

Google Arts & Culture

2023年1月25日 — Discover a beautiful artwork from Google Arts & Culture each time you open a new tab in Chrome. With this extension, in every new Chrome tab you ...

Google Wallpaper Art

2020年5月11日 — Discover a beautiful artwork from the Google Art Project each time you open your Chromebook in the morning! With this app, you'll see wallpaper ...

Google 藝術與文化

2023年1月25日 — Discover a beautiful artwork from Google Arts & Culture each time you open a new tab in Chrome. With this extension, in every new Chrome tab you ...